Big “Weight” For An Update


Alright, I was waiting to see if I could mange to totally screw up this weight-loss thing within the first two weeks, so that is why I held off on posting. I usually get so hyped up. Get all my food ready, plan my exercise routine and then after about three days, I’m like, “Screw this, Let’s go get a cheesecake!”

It didn’t happen that way, this time. I have actually stayed on the Weight Watchers plan and at the end of my second week, I have lost an incredible 14.2 pounds!

So far, I have been eating pretty much what I have wanted to and I have gone out to eat… a lot. This is sounding like a commercial for WW, but it’s not. I will leave the paid endorsements to Charles Barkley and Jennifer Hudson.

My exercise routine started out great, but then by the third day, I realized that I had a heel spur on my left foot, which was making it difficult to walk…my main form of exercise. I know I will have to get back to it, but for now, my doctor has given me exercises and orthopedic devices to help alleviate some of the pain.

I will go into detail about what I am eating in later posts, but for now, for me, the biggest change in starting to lose weight was my mind. That I felt like now was the time to do something. I could not stay the same shape. If you are trying to lose weight, your mindset cannot be, “I should lose weight.” I has to be, “I have to lose weight.” And I know that people lose weight for many different reasons: family, health, fitting into a new bathing suit. When it comes down to it, losing weight has to be for you. That was the trigger that went off in my mind and hopefully it will for you too.

Have a great week!